05 Jun MORE THAN A MILLION // GlogauAIR // March 14 to April 03, 2014
Group exhibition
March 14, 2014
March 14 to April 03, 2014
GlogauAIR | Berlin

Text & Curating : Delphine Marinier & Peter Krilles
“The 6,000 artists and the 400 galleries make Berlin to the city with the highest density of galleries in Europe and one of the most attractive places to create art. Therefore, designers, agencies, lifestyle magazines, photographers and trendscouts – are drawn to this young city which bursts with fresh vibes. ”
(Berlin Senate, www.berlin.de/projektzukunft/english/creative-industries/; wording as in the original)
Presenting the city as an international hotspot of art, Berlin authorities, in admirable English prose, highlight a tendency that has shaped Europe over the past years: the transformation of arts into creative industries. In view of the quantification, standards, hierarchies and superlatives of artistic practice that this shift has brought about more than a million proposes to put in the center of focus the wishes ? knots ? riots ? density ? overthrows ? ethics ? global english ? attraction ? life ? freshness ? void ? vibrations ? difference ? gaps ? flurry ? popcorn doggybag ? sounds ? ages ? questions ? brutalism ? hate ? secret ? clumsiness ? touch ? taste ? shakiness ? signs ? burst ? third-person-s ? waves ? naiveté ? blurry ? asides ? holes ? involved in the experience of art.
more than a million is an investigation in the very concrete and sensorial aesthetic, ethical and technical frames of contemporary art. 6 artists – Mario Asef, Marisa Benjamin, Tatjana Fell, Stephanie Gerner, ST&ST, Natalia Irina Roman – show their works and open up interspaces in between the economical, social, gender-based statistics and norms of the contemporary art field creating an atmosphere of unique, open, material and freshly vibrating experiences. Everybody is invited to /not/ question the common and individual values and criteria of art experience challenging the in/official canon and one’s in/scrutable taste.