Idea/concept: Tatjana Fell, 2003
Elaboration/implementation:Tatjana Fell and Natalie Espinoza
1. performances in public space: Wassertorplatz (see picture above) and U-Bahn Prinzenstraße
2. pillow lab workshop_communication_service_art | 3rd documentary exhibition
First, the cushion lab is installed at various frequented locations in the area to draw attention to the campaign – this could be the entrance to a high-rise building, the kebab shop around the corner, the subway station, etc. We sit down at the sewing machine and sew – sewing is connecting something that previously existed separately. During the subsequent workshop phase, in the gallery in the Waschhaus, we realize the wishes of the participants.
Why make a cushion?
When Natalie Espinosa and I developed the concept for our project, we had a shared interest in ensuring that the participants could really benefit from our work.
A “profit” is based on ideal and also material plus. The participants should be taken seriously with their thoughts and fantasies, have fun, confront themselves with something new, get an impression of what art can mean, bring an idea to realization even beyond the previous idea of art. Materially, the benefit should actually lie in a product, in this case a cushion.
A cushion that can be used, that finds a place in the participants’ household and is not superfluous, as is so often the case in workshops. So no “art” dust catcher that ends up carelessly in some corner or, in the worst case, in the wastepaper basket.
If you philosophize a little about the cushion, it implies characteristics such as cosy, soft, comfortable, cuddly, supportive, embellishing etc. and it is something very individual. The participants thus receive a piece of coziness for their homes in this dreary area. One of the kissenlabor’s main concerns was not to put its own artistic intention on the back burner during the workshop or the exhibition.
This gave rise to the following concept.
After exploring the area and determining our options, we decided on four successive levels of action: Intervention, action phase (workshop), photo action and exhibition. The first step was to be the two interventions in the outdoor space that corresponded thematically with our umbrella term GesprächsStoff.
One intervention should take place directly on Wassertorplatz, the second location should be highly frequented, e.g. in the post office vestibule, in the Spar supermarket vestibule, at the bakery, in the concierge area of a high-rise building or similar. The activities should take place a few days apart, in the week before the actual workshop.
The pillow lab will then act as a “service provider” for residents for five hours a day for a week. Local residents are invited to have a special cushion sewn by us, which is developed together with us according to their needs and wishes. During the project week we will be working in the gallery in the wash house, there will be a kind of open workshop where residents can come and commission their cushions.
The planned side effect is to strike up a conversation, linger a while, take advantage of the locations with the offers and perhaps also get to know new neighbors.
The project phase will be documented and included in the exhibition concept.
The third part will be a photo campaign of the cushion at its destination, in the participants’ homes, which the participants will take themselves and later make available to us.